Thursday, February 4, 2016

Gingivitis on one tooth

Learn The Signs And Symptoms. Healthy, Beautiful Smiles For Life! If gingivitis isn’t treate it can transform into a more severe gum disease known as. Pregnancy gingivitis typically starts in the second or third month of pregnancy and continues through the eighth month causing swollen, tender and bleeding gums around one tooth.

Swollen gums bleed more easily when brushing or flossing your teeth.

There are many reasons a gum can swell,. Sensitivity to sweets, liquids , col hot and biting are the usual progression. And the pain is generalized usually. People should visit the dentist if the swelling persists for more than a week. The most common is gum disease.

Gum recession is usually due to one of the following causes: Gum Disease When you suffer from gum disease , there is an active infection under the surface of your gums between them and your teeth. It has a good supply of blood vessels beneath a moist surface, otherwise known as a mucous membrane. Gingival tissue is dense.

These are bacterial gum infections that destroy gum tissue and supporting bone that hold your teeth in place. Gum disease is the main cause of. By remineralizing the underlying bone structure of our gums , we support not only the gum tissue but our teeth to remain strongly rooted in the jaw bones.

How To Prevent This Gum Disease. Find Your Toothpaste Today! Hormonal causes of swollen gums can be corrected by regular dental checks and also proper oral hygiene routine.

Tumors of the mouth need to be reviewed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. When I was a teenager with braces, the orthodontist had the dentist put caps on my second-to-front teeth to make them wider, purely for aesthetic reasons. The gingival sulcus, or gum pocket, is the narrow space between the inner wall of the gum and the tooth.

As gingivitis develops, the bacteria present in these pockets changes, releasing toxins which destroy the gingival tissue. More than percent of pets three years or older develop some form of gingivitis. Hydrogen peroxide attacks the discolorations on the enamel and dentin and repairs them to provide a beautiful white smile. The gingival infection usually will stay associated with one tooth , but it can spread if allowed to continue. Immediate veterinary care is necessary to prevent additional oral damage.

When gingivitis progresses, it develops into periodontitis, a condition in which the gums and bone that hold the teeth in place can be severely weakened. The bacteria on the teeth release toxic.

Ongoing gum inflammation can cause periodontitis, eventually causing pockets to develop between your gums and teeth that fill with plaque, tartar and bacteria. Localized gingivitis only affects one to a few teeth, while generalized gingivitis affects several areas or your entire mouth. According to the Mayo Clinic, gingivitis is primarily caused by poor oral hygiene, which allows plaque to build up on teeth. Plaque is an invisible, sticky substance that develops on the teeth when.

While gingivitis isn’t serious, it’s important to treat the disease to avoid further progression. Frequent dental check-ups. Inadequate dental hygiene practice can cause gingivitis to develop. One leads to the other.

Tooth sensitivity may occur as well and may be due to gum recession from the infecte bleeding gums. If you don’t floss, the plaque that causes gingivitis will destroy the fibers that attach your gum tissue to your teeth. Receding gums can be quite alarming. Not only are they painful, they can also lead to pockets, or gaps, between your teeth and gum line, allowing the build up of harmful bacteria. The health of the tooth can be protected by treating it now instead of later.

In looking at your photo, you will notice you have a very strong frenum which is a piece of tissue from the lips to the gums in between the front teeth. Your frenum appears to be pulling and placing pressure on the gums which is one of the main causes of your gum.

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