Monday, June 20, 2016

Retrograde root canal filling

During retrograde filling the dentist cuts a flap in the gum and creates a hole in the bone to get access to the bottom tip of the root. An orthograde retreatment was recommended to remove the entire infected root canal filling prior to placement of the new crown. The remarkable healing following placement of the retrofilling despite the presence of continued bacteria further up in the canal shows the remarkable, bacteria-tight seal offered by the BioCeramic Retrofilling material.

In most cases the endodontist will use a dental operating microscope the perfectly see the area he or she is operating on. The ideal root-end filling material should be easy to manipulate, radiopaque, dimensionally stable, nonabsorbable, and not affected by the presence of moisture.

Also called postresection filling. The aim of the following case reports is to describe its use as a retrograde filling material. Therefore, retrograde root canal fillings should be performed routinely during apical surgery regardless of the apparent technical quality of the root canal obturation , unless orthograde endodontic treatment is performed in conjunction with surgery.

An apicectomy (also known as surgical endodontics, apical surgery or peri-radicular surgery) should be considered only when conventional endodontic root filling or re-treatment ( root canal treatment ) techniques have failed. This list is not exhaustive nor is it predictive. The most pertinent warnings have been included here.

The ideal root -end filling material should be easy to manipulate, radiopaque, dimensionally stable, nonabsorbable, and not affected by the presence of moisture. Although cleansing and filling of the canal are usually performed via the pulp chamber prior to operation, in certain instances these procedures are carried out from the apical end of the root at the time of operation.

The latter technique, termed retrograde filling , is the subject of this article. It is required when an infection develops or persists after the endodontic treatment or retreatment. Filling (RRF) Warnings. In an apicoectomy, the root tip, or apex, is removed along with the infected tissue. An apicoectomy is sometimes called endodontic microsurgery because the procedure is done under an operating microscope.

A filling is then placed to seal the end of the root. If a root canal becomes infected again after a root canal has. Microsurgical endodontics—dental surgery using a microscope—may be performed.

Biodentine can be used in both the root and crown. By Till Dammaschke, DMD. This new bioactive cement has dentin-like mechanical properties and can be used as a root-end filling material, as well as a repair material for root perforations and resorptions. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is considered at the present time as the gold standard for root -end filling in endodontic surgery.

However, this biocompatible material presents several drawbacks such as a long setting time and handling difficulties. The routine use of retrograde fillings during apical surgery, as well as the material of choice for that purpose, have been debated. The root tip resection with retrograde filling is a surgical removal of the root tip the cleaning of the dental canal from below, thus from the root ending-also called retrograde apex sealing. Once all of the needed steps have been performe the surgical site is closed and stitches are placed to stabilize the gum tissue during the healing process that follows.

During root canal treatment, the canals are cleane and inflamed or infected tissue is removed.

Root canals are very complex, with many small branches off the main canal. Sometimes, even after root canal treatment, infected debris can remain in these branches and possibly prevent healing or cause re-infection later. When root canal therapy fails, a retreatment called retrograde filling is a good alternative to save the tooth.

The two cases were considered completely healed at year and were followed for one more year. The orthograde root filling in the tooth must be at least years old and sufficient regarding density and length. The patients will be randomised into the two groups of apicectomy with and without filling. A radiograph will be taken just before the operation and and months after the operation.

Additionally, the team proudly offers patients access to state-of-the-art technologies, including the most advanced bioceramic root canal filling materials, retrograde filling for apicoectomies, ultrasonic instrumentation, soft tissue management with laser therapy (including gingivectomy), high resolution CBCT 3D imaging, all-digital radiology.

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