Monday, January 22, 2018

Acute and chronic gingivitis

How to get rid of gingivitis fast at home? Does acute and chronic mean the same thing? What is the difference between acute chronic? Can gingivitis cause lung infections?

All you need to know about chronic gingivitis, its causes , symptoms , treatments and links with other diseases.

ACUTE GINGIVITIS : It is of sudden onset and short duration and can be painful. A less severe form of acute condition is called SUBACUTE. Chronic gingivitis is an ongoing medical problem either because the patient does not seek treatment , or because the condition resists treatment. Acute gingivitis is usually associated with specific infections, micro-organisms, or trauma. Chronic inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the teeth is associated with the bacterial biofilm (plaque) that covers the teeth and gums.

Gingivitis occurs in both chronic and acute forms. The main features are painful, bleeding gums, and ulceration of inter-dental papillae.

This disease , along with necrotizing periodontitis is classified as a necrotizing periodontal disease, one of the seven general types of gum disease caused by inflammation of the gums. Oh, the joys of periodontal disease assessment! I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed one morning because I was looking for any excuse not to perform a comprehensive periodontal exam. How To Prevent This Gum Disease. Find Your Toothpaste Today!

Those who are susceptible to chronic oral infections or possess compromised immunity are considered to possess an increased risk for developing acute gingivitis. Symptoms are acute pain, bleeding, and foul breath. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is a painful infection of the gums. Diagnosis is based on clinical findings. CHAPTER CLINICAL FEATURES OF GINGIVITIS Inflammation of gingiva is termed as gingivitis.

Certain conditions have both an underlying etiology and multiple body system manifestations due to the underlying etiology. In severe acute gingivitis , the red color change to a shiny gray then to whitish gray due to necrosis. Treatment should include the alleviation ol the acute symptoms and the correction ol the underlying chronic gingival disease. Gum disease may progress painlessly, producing few obvious signs, even in the late stages of the disease.

Although the symptoms of periodontal disease often are subtle, the condition is not.

The bacteria in plaque and tartar contain toxins that irritate the gums. The most common form of gum disease is gingivitis , which causes gums to become re swollen or bleed easily. If the tartar below the gum line is not remove the bacteria will attack the bone and fibers that hold the teeth to the bone, causing gums to pull away from the teeth.

Treatment of acute catarrhal gingivitis or acute stage of the disease, the patient should be prescribed medications with antipyretic, desensitizing and restorative properties. ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a. It is also desirable to take complex vitamins. This build-up causes the gums to become inflamed and bleed when you brush or floss. When left untreate gingivitis can lead to gum disease. Periodontal disease is perhaps the most common chronic infection in adults.

Evidence has been accumulating for the past years which indicates that almost all forms of periodontal disease are chronic but specific bacterial infections due to the overgrowth.

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