Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Gum recession lower front teeth

How to reverse gum recession? A: Gum Recession Does Not Necessarily Mean Your Teeth May Fall Out. What happens when gums recede? In certain instances, hyperactive muscle attachments ( frenum pull ) may cause gum recession. If the muscle attachment pull is relieved ( frenectomy ) a soft tissue graft may be placed over the recession if there is adequate bone surrounding the tooth.

I have receeding gums behind my front lower teeth.

When gum recession occurs, pockets, or gaps, form between the teeth and gum line , making it easy for disease-causing bacteria to build up. Many people with receding gums feel like their teeth are notched at the top. Discomfort is another common symptom of receding gums , because the exposed top portion of the tooth is much more sensitive than the rest, making it uncomfortable to eat hot or cold foods and liquids.

Other causes of gum recession include inherited genes, aggressive tooth brushing , tobacco and other drug use, as well as vitamin deficiencies and certain medications. So, an oral surgeon snipped the lingual frenum on both sides of the salivary ducts to take the pressure off the gums. Also, the cause for the receding gums needs to be found out and corrected. If at all the periodontist feels that the concerned teeth have a guarded prognosis, then the option of getting them pulled is there, the decision to do rests with you. As long as the underlying jaw bone is intact, gum tissue will stay strong and at healthy levels on the teeth.

In other words, the only reason gums recede is because the bone that supports the gum tissue has withdrawn.

Incidentally, there’s a direct connection between receding gums and sensitive teeth. If you do not brush or floss properly, you may end up building plaque on your teeth. Tartar is the hard substance between your teeth and may cause gum recession. Brushing teeth aggressively. That tissue is pulling your gums down, helping to create more recession.

Severe gum disease, called periodontitis, occurs when plaque builds up on the teeth. This is called a frenectomy. Plaque contains bacteria that can infect the gums.

When this happens, gums can separate from the teeth , causing your teeth to loosen. Treatments options for loose teeth due to gum disease include deep cleaning, reshaping antibiotics or bone grafting,. There is no bone loss or loss of tissue between the teeth. Class II – Gum recession extends toward the border of attached and loose gingiva.

Class III – Gum recession extends past the border of attached and loose gingiva. Bone loss or loss of tissue between the teeth is evident. How can anyone on this site give you practical advice when (a) we cannot examine your mouth, and (b) do not know the structure of your facial bones to know how your teeth should lie.

You can see your dentist, but he will have to refer you to a periodontist to have the graft done. Gums recede for a number of reasons: age (and up), vigorous tooth brushing with a hard toothbrush, poor oral hygiene, tobacco chewing and gum disease. Now I feel my lower teeth the entire day because of how sensitive they are and occasionally my upper front teeth are sensitive as well even though the gum recession is minimal there.

Unlike demineralization of teeth , gum recession is relentless and can’t (yet) be reversed. However, its progress can be slowed. Be as proactive as possible to protect yourself from gum recession , especially as you age.

The best ways to do this. Especially interested in gum recession in lower front teeth. If someone has a good story to share that would be great. You said there is no cure for gum recession. Not only are they painful, they can also lead to pockets, or gaps, between your teeth and gum line, allowing the build up of harmful bacteria.

According to WebM this can lead to severe damage of supporting tissue and bone structure of your teeth as well as eventual tooth loss. Receding gums can be quite alarming. So what causes gums to recede?

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