Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Gingivitis causes and treatment

Learn The Signs And Symptoms. Healthy, Beautiful Smiles For Life! How To Prevent This Gum Disease. Find Your Toothpaste Today! Gingivitis can lead to much more serious gum disease called periodontitis and tooth loss.

The most common cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene.

Good oral health habits, such as brushing at least twice a day, flossing daily and getting regular dental checkups, can help prevent and reverse gingivitis. This can cause injury to the soft tissue and bone supporting the teeth. The tooth may become loose and unstable. Dental plaque-induced gingival disease : This can be caused by plaque, systemic factors,.

In mild cases of gingivitis , there may be no. Be sure to use an anti-gingivitis or anti-plaque toothpaste containing fluoride to strengthen teeth. After brushing, rinse thoroughly with an anti-bacterial.

Gingivitis is caused by the buildup of plaque–– a naturally-occurring sticky film containing bacteria – on the teeth and gums.

The bacteria found in plaque produce toxins that can irritate the gums and cause them to become re inflame puffy, and may even lead to bleeding. The condition also referred to as gingivitis needs treatment. Without proper treatment , the non-destructive type or periodontal disease can escalate into periodontitis. The accumulation of the film of plaque or bacteria triggers the gum disease.

So, you need to take care of the condition as soon as possible. There are a number of risk factors for gum disease , but smoking is the most significant. Smoking also can make treatment for gum disease less successful. Another is a so-called desquamative condition of the gums, in which ulcers, blistering,.

As long as the causes of early stage gum disease ( gingivitis ) are correctly identified and the patient is persistent in improving their oral hygiene and seeking necessary treatment , gum disease can be reversible. The prognosis is best when treatment is obtained in early stages of gingivitis. This is the beginning of periodontal disease that can cause irritation and inflammation in some part of your gums surrounding the base of your teeth. If gingivitis is left unattende it leads to periodontitis, which causes pockets to develop in between your teeth and gums. Rahmani provides a full range of perio procedures to treat Gum Disease including early stages such as Gingivitis.

Gingivitis usually starts with a thin red line along the gums and the gums are swollen and red. A cat with gingivitis will suffer from pain and may eat less, especially refusing to eat dry feed. This is because this type of feed is hard and causes more discomfort and pain than a moist and soft feed.

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet can treat sore gums due to vitamin deficiency.

If the deficiency is severe, you may need to use vitamin supplements to help restore your body’s vitamin requirements. If not removed through daily brushing and flossing, plaque turns into tartar, which becomes a rough and retentive surface encouraging further build up plaque. The plaque bacteria can infect your gums and teeth, and eventually, the gum tissue and bone that support the teeth will be impacted. These are gum infections, caused by bacteria, that destroy gum tissue and the bone that holds your teeth in place.

The early stage of periodontal disease is not often painful, therefore symptoms often go unnoticed. Causes of Receding Gums. Left untreated though, early symptoms can develop into periodontitis.

Dental care issues are the primary cause of bleeding gums. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and periodontitis make your gums sensitive and prone to bleeding. Most people develop gingivitis when plaque stays on gum lines too long.

Plaque refers to the debris and bacteria that stick to your teeth.

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