Monday, April 29, 2019

Is it safe to get a root canal while pregnant

Can you get a root canal while pregnant? A root canal during pregnancy can be a perfectly safe procedure with no side effects on the fetus. But be sure to let your dentist know that you are pregnant before he decides the proper way and time of treatment for your dental problems.

If you already have dental issues or you are prone to dental problems then these problems may aggravate in pregnancy. In fact, having a root canal may help protect the health of the developing baby. This is due to the fact that an unhealthy tooth can become badly infected if left untreated.

Be sure to let your dentist know that you are pregnant before he decides the proper way and time of treatment for your dental problems. One of the most common remedies to the aforementioned conditions — whether or not the patient is pregnant — is root canal treatment. This is a treatment to repair a badly decayed or infected tooth by removing the pulp beneath it before the infection spreads to the periapical region. In your case if the pain has come back and is increasing most probably you require a root canal. Now a root canal is a perfectly safe procedure and has no side effects on the foetus (baby).

Although radiation from dental X-rays is extremely low, your dentist or hygienist will cover you with a leaded apron that minimizes exposure to the abdomen. Your dental office will also cover your throat with a leaded collar to protect your thyroid from radiation. Having a root canal done during pregnancy is completely safe.

Your doctor will cover you at the time of xrays to protect the baby. The anesthetic is safe. As far as how far you can push the envelope, we would not be able to tell you with certainty because it depends on how advanced the problem is already. Preventive dental cleanings and annual exams during pregnancy are not only safe but are recommended. A Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is a dental procedure done in order to save the patient’s teeth from infection or severe abscess.

As a general procedure, it is practically safe. However, if you’re a pregnant woman, it’s quite normal to have a few concerns. Learn more about root canal therapy. Emergency root canal procedures can be performed under local anesthesia at all stages of pregnancy.

As for other dental procedures, Dr. Bridges suggests that routine or elective treatments be completed during the second trimester at the latest. However, in an emergency, a root canal can be done at any point during a pregnancy, if certain special precautions are taken.

Generally in the 1st and 3rd trimester we do root canals if needed. Getting an Extraction Or Root Canal During Pregnancy. Both of these procedures, tooth extraction and root canal treatment may need to be carried out as emergency procedures and can be performed safely if necessary.

It is safe to do root canal treatment during pregnancy. But you tend to avoid the same in first trimester of pregnancy. But what about a root canal during pregnancy ?

One common concern of women with root canal infections. I work for an endodontist and we do root canals on pregnant woman all the time. They will complete the root canal after my son is born.

My Ob-Gyn has given the Endodontist permission to take Lortab for the pain after the root canal.

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