Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Chronic generalized gingivitis

Gingivitis is a non-destructive disease that causes inflammation of the gums. The most common form of gingivitis , and the most common form of periodontal disease overall, is in response to bacterial biofilms that is attached to tooth surfaces, termed plaque-induced gingivitis. Most forms of gingivitis are plaque-induced.

While some cases of gingivitis never progress to periodontitis, periodontitis is always preceded by gingivitis. In most cases, a person is unaware that they have chronic gingivitis and do not seek medical treatment until the symptoms become pronounced. Gingivitis affects a significant portion of the population and is the most common form of periodontal diseases (diseases of the tissues surrounding the teeth).

Chronic gingivitis may lead to receding gums and can be a precursor of periodontitis. The marginal and interdental gingivae are smooth, edematous, and discolored. Generalized gingivitis is gingival inflammation involving all or nearly all of the teeth or teeth in a single arch. CHRONIC GINGIVITIS : Slow in onset and of long duration, and is painless, inflammation persists or resolves and normal areas become inflammed. Slide 2: Classification According to DISTRIBUTION : 1. Patients with any history of a systemic disease , those having taken any antibiotic therapy or underwent any form of periodontal treatment in the past months, pregnant or.

It is a simple and long-standing inflammation of the gingiva ( gingivitis may exist for years without change to periodontitis) Types. This is chronic generalised moderate periodontitis. With regard to developmental or acquired conditions and abnormalities, this patient has generalised recession.

There is little or no keratinised attached gingiva : 4 4 and 46. Patient also has a Seibert class III alveolar ridge defect at teeth and 27. Learn Facts About The Difference Between Gingivitis And Periodontitis. How To Prevent This Gum Disease.

Find Your Toothpaste Today! Generalized Gingivitis – Inflammation involving all or nearly all of the teeth or throughout a single arch. Marginal Gingivitis – Involves the free (or marginal) gingiva.

Can be localized or generalized. To give impetus to the development of chronic periodontitis can gingivitis or any other primary diseases of the oral cavity. Symptoms chronic periodontitis – mild inflammation of the gingival surface with a slight tingling, mild hemophilia during cleaning procedures or when eating solid foods.

ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two major forms of in- flammatory diseases affecting the periodontium. Their primary etiology is bacterial plaque, which can initiate destruction of the gingival tissues and periodontal attachment apparatus.

In chronic periodontitis, there is no well-defined pattern of bone loss. In generalized aggressive periodontitis, most permanent teeth are affected. In localized aggressive periodontitis, there is no agreement on the number of teeth include but in one case series, about three to six teeth were included. Periodontal disease is a disease, or more likely a number of diseases of the periodontal tissues that in attachment loss and destruction of alveolar bone.

The natural history of periodontal disease, in some but not all patients, in tooth loss.

The clinical appearance of the tissues is not a reliable indicator of the presence or severity of chronic periodontitis. The clinical sign of Chronic periodontitis , namely inflammation pocket formation, attachment loss, and bone loss are considered to be due to the direct, site specific effect of subginigival plaque accumulation.

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