Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Biotin and thyroid

How does biotin impact your thyroid? Is biotin and Bvitamin the same thing? Recently, children with inherited metabolic diseases receiving high doses of biotin were found to have elevated levels of thyroid hormones and thyroid antibodies. These resembled Graves’ disease, an autoimmune condition in which thyroid antibodies stimulate the thyroid gland to produce too much thyroid hormone , resulting in hyperthyroidism. An as it turns out, this is probably, at least partially, related to the micronutrient status in their body.

Studies on this subject are limite but current evidence shows the vitamin could address some symptoms of thyroid problems. For example, biotin can support hair re-growth, strengthen the immune system, speed up metabolism. Specifically, these tests depend on the “biotin-streptavidin” interaction” to arrive at the. The most common test used to assess thyroid function is the thyroid stimulating hormone test, or TSH. Depending on the technique used in the laboratory, taking a biotin supplement can cause TSH levels to read too low, or too high.

The reason is you don’t want the biotin supplement to throw off your test and make it look like you have high levels of thyroid (when you are clinically hypothyroid or normal). In other words, high-dose biotin can spike Tand reduce TSH which make it look like you’re high in thyroid , but it’s a false, pseudohyperthyroid state. It wasn’t until recently, however, when researchers reported concerns with lab test interference issues prompting the FDA to release warnings and safety alerts on its use. Two main assay methods are used to measure thyroid hormones , the “sandwich” assay and the competitive assay.

Biotin is water soluble, so it washes out of the body quickly — even a single day can make a big difference in the test. And although literature reports mostly focus on problems with parathyroid and thyroid hormone tests , biotin interference could be considered as a potential contributor to almost any suspicious immunoassay result. Dietary Sources of Biotin Also, the concern with biotin altering test refers to high-dose biotin supplements only, not foo and since biotin is readily found in many foods, this is your best bet if you believe you need more of it. The Endocrine News published an article which reported that consumption of biotin supplements could cause falsely high and low in different laboratory tests, including thyroid lab tests.

Overview Information Biotin is a vitamin. It is found in small amounts in many foods such as eggs, milk, or bananas. Biotin is commonly used for hair loss, brittle nails, nerve damage, and many. While removing Biotin supplementation from your daily regimen may not be the answer to a healthy thyroid , it just might give you and your health care provider a better test result from which to work.

As I have removed gluten, refined sugar, and the biotin supplement, my tests have not only stabilized but my thyroid function has improved immensely. Biotin is an important component not only to new hair growth but also keeps the skin and nails in perfect health. Supplements are necessary to restore Blevels, which will completely prevent thyroid hair loss.

Since Biotin and hair loss are closely relate it is highly advisable to include biotin regularly in your food. In assessing of endocrine hormone levels, clinicians are cautioned to verify biotin supplementation to avoid false lab , and a misdiagnosis of thyroid disorders. Does this mean you should throw your Biotin , Hair Help Supplement or Multi in the trash? Most of the published research on biotin interference covers hormone tests, such as parathyroid hormone (PTH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), Tand Ttests, as well as tests for troponin. However, because biotin is used in so many immunoassays, scientists say it could interfere with many others.

The FDA is alerting that biotin can significantly interfere with certain lab tests and cause incorrect test which may go undetected. Biotin interference on TSH and free thyroid hormone measurement. Kwok JS, Chan IH, Chan MH.

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