Friday, October 9, 2015

Kissing someone with gingivitis

Of the last three people you spoke with, it’s likely you and two others have gingivitis right now. That’s because it affects over of the population. Don’t go off the deep end with worry, but gingivitis is a sign that your mouth needs attention.

So is gingivitis contagious through kissing ? How are harmful oral bacteria transmitted?

Before we answer whether you can get gum disease from kissing , let’s first see which dental problems can be transmitted. See all full list on self. Well, a study conducted by Canadian scientists concludes that gingivitis is contagious with a transmission rate of between and percent. Periodontal bacteria , they believe, can be transferred between partners while kissing.

While it is true that kissing can spread oral bacteria from one person to another, this act does not cause a person to develop gum disease. Did the plaque at the gum line on the photo to the left come from the person this patient just kissed? However, sharing saliva and bacteria with someone who has gum disease in an activity such as kissing over a long period of time could increase the likelihood of transmitting the disease to your partner.

I recently found out that my friend has gum disease. Is kissing her open mouth dangerous as far as the gum disease? A: Dental studies prove that the bacteria that cause gum disease are contagious and transferable. What is the eventual outcome? Learn Facts About The Difference Between Gingivitis And Periodontitis.

How To Prevent This Gum Disease. Find Your Toothpaste Today! You’ve probably only heard the word “gingivitis” at your dentist’s office when being warned about the dangers of not brushing or flossing enough, but gingivitis can occasionally be passed through kissing.

People with gum disease can pass the bacteria that causes gingivitis through saliva. Poor oral hygiene habits are the most common cause of increase in the level of these bad bacteria. Kissing someone who has gum disease can actually transfer these bad bacteria to your mouth. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, of adults over have some form of gum disease.

Smooching and oral sex with your partner who falls into this category increases the risk of you developing gum disease. Be Careful Whom You Kiss ! By Sheila Wolf, RDH Mama Gums Germs. We’ve been hearing about them since we were toddlers.

Our Moms nagged us to wash the dirt off our hands when we came to dinner, and to cover our mouths when we coughed. One should NOT take prescription grade medicine or any medicine for the attempt to treat Gingivitis. Person should try to understand why gingivitis is happening. My assumption is, gingivitis is a metabolic syndrome and can be reversed.

Theoretically, it may be transmitted or spread by kissing. Currently, the American Dental Association considers gingivitis to be contagious. However, other factors such as those described above usually need to be present for an individual to develop gingivitis. Oral microbiota (found in the saliva and on the tongue) and bacteria (in the saliva) — which can lead to gum disease — can be transmitted through frequent kissing. More specifically, gingivitis (one type of gum disease) can turn into periodontitis (a more severe form of gum disease) if not treated properly.

So my first question is can you get periodontal disease by kissing someone who has the disease? Second question is, is it contagious?

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