Thursday, May 5, 2016

Can i have a root canal while pregnant

But be sure to let your dentist know that you are pregnant before he decides the proper way and time of treatment for your dental problems. Often, the x-rays a woman may need before, during, or after a root canal are a source of concern during pregnancy , but they do not usually represent significant risk. A root canal involves the removal of damaged nerves and pulp from a patient’s tooth. The conditions when a root canal is recommended during pregnancy always involve tooth infection. If the infection is left untreated for a long time, the infection can spread throughout the body causing severe complications.

This is a condition that will put a pregnancy into significant danger.

Brown says that he recommends that pregnant women should only have root canals under local anesthesia and that IV sedation would have to be postponed until after the delivery of the baby. Fortunately, modern methods have rendered root canals nearly pain-free, and with proper guidance from both your doctor and your dentist, there is no reason to put off this essential treatment. One of the most common remedies to the aforementioned conditions — whether or not the patient is pregnant — is root canal treatment.

This is a treatment to repair a badly decayed or infected tooth by removing the pulp beneath it before the infection spreads to the periapical region. Part of the original consultation procedure requires a series of x-rays to assess the internal structure of the tooth. However, sometimes emergency dental work, such as a root canal or tooth extraction , is necessary. Elective treatments, such as teeth whitening and other cosmetic procedures, should be postponed until after the birth.

It is best to avoid this dental work while pregnant and avoid exposing the developing baby to any risks, even if they are minimal.

However, because x-rays are involve the ideal time for dental surgery is during the second trimester. If tooth decay causes you pain, even during pregnancy , a root canal can stop it. It isn’t good for fetuses when their moms are in pain since it places both under a high level of stress. It can be beneficial for you and your baby to have the procedure done, especially since it will help make the later parts of the pregnancy less painful.

One common concern of women with root canal infections and who are pregnant is the side effects of the consultation and the drugs used during the procedure. In your case if the pain has come back and is increasing most probably you require a root canal. Now a root canal is a perfectly safe procedure and has no side effects on the foetus (baby). Root canal surgery would require a regular dose of anesthetic. Ask the dentist to use only the minimum anesthetic required.

Yes, Lidocaine is one of the few drugs that has been proven safe during pregnancy, but still, there is no need to overdo it. I work for an endodontist and we do root canals on pregnant woman all the time. Can I have root canal treatment during pregnancy ? I am weeks pregnant and I am having a partial root canal today.

I was very concerned about having this procedure done but my dentist, my OB-GYN and the Endodontist all informed me that a root canal will not harm my son but an absessed tooth. It refers to the process during which the damaged nerves and pulp are removed from the tooth. In the majority of the cases the source of concern are the X-rays that women have to get before, during and after the procedure. The American Dental Association and other health agencies say that tooth extraction during pregnancy is totally safe, but they do recommend consulting with a prenatal care health practitioner first.

Call your OB first so they can give you their personal recommendation knowing you and your pregnancy.

I was told that I couldn't have novocaine or anything with epinephrin in it. I had a root canal a few months ago. Normally they recommend elective dental procedures wait until after the pregnancy, but I just wasn't in a position to wait. I have been prescribed clamoxyl and solupred and need to have a root canal because of a very painful and damaged tooth and nerve. They will complete the root canal after my son is born.

My Ob-Gyn has given the Endodontist permission to take Lortab for the pain after the root canal. But I have been instructed to take it very sparingly (or 2)if I take it at all. I just had a root canal on my back tooth while pregnant.

I was a little freaked out by it, but it was actually not that bad. I also had amalgam fillings on the tooth, both my doctor and dentist gave the okay. Gargle with warm water – it soothes the pain, and keeps any infection from spreading. The same ingredient is used for teething creams for babies, and is safe to use during pregnancy.

You can also try a hot or a cold compress.

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