Friday, October 25, 2019

Gum line erosion

How to prevent receding gums? One solution for gum line erosion is bonded fillings that keep the restorations sealed and reduce future decay, says Nolan. What causes gum erosion?

Erosions are groves in your teeth that appear along the gum line. Tooth Erosion at the Gum Line. Enamel is the outer layer of tissue that covers and protects your teeth.

When kids and adolescents drink or eat sugary or acidic foods and liquids, that outer layer may erode. Erosion of tooth enamel at the gum line is typically caused by tooth decay, but other gastric conditions may cause it, as well. The bacteria in dental plague that are not eradicated cause inflammatory reaction by the body in attempting to remove the infection.

Other causes of gum erosion include: Acidity and dryness of the mouth. The gum line in our mouths do many useful things for our body. The enamel inside it protects the crown of our teeth while we drink and eat. It also regulates temperature so your teeth don’t get damaged when you switch from something hot to something cold.

Although, apart from acidic foods and plaque buildups, there are other factors that can lead to tooth erosion. Before the end of this article, I will reveal to you those things that can soften and erode your tooth enamel.

Treatment would include identifying and stopping the cause and restoration with dental cements. If I get porcelain veneers, will the treated teeth be prone to staining and cavities along the edge of the gum because of the abrasions? It’s just one form of gum (periodontal) disease. This is a serious consequence of poor oral health, which may lead to tooth loss.

When gum recession occurs, pockets, or gaps, form between the teeth and gum line , making it easy for disease-causing bacteria to build up. Receding gums can be quite alarming. Not only are they painful, they can also lead to pockets, or gaps, between your teeth and gum line , allowing the build up of harmful bacteria. According to WebM this can lead to severe damage of supporting tissue and bone structure of your teeth as well as eventual tooth loss.

So what causes gums to recede? In reality this is more likely due to excessive use of toothpaste all. As it stresses and strains, the enamel around the gum line becomes weakened and erodes away.

This is not unlike how a toothpick weakens in the middle if you repeatedly bend it back and forth. The second most common cause is erosion from aggressive brushing or consumption of acidic foods and beverages. Recession of the gum on the lingual, or tongue-facing, surfaces of the upper molars can occur as teeth wear away and extrude or elevate out of their sockets.

Catching and treating recession early can stop or reverse the process. Gum recession can also occur as teeth. As long as the underlying jaw bone is intact, gum tissue will stay strong and at healthy levels on the teeth.

In other words, the only reason gums recede is because the bone that supports the gum tissue has withdrawn.

Incidentally, there’s a direct connection between receding gums and sensitive teeth. The most common side effect from teeth erosion is tooth sensitivity. This is caused by the reduction of the tooth’s protective coating.

Your teeth may hurt when you eat very hot or cold foods, when you brush, or when your gumline is exposed to air. Enamel erosion often in what appears to be discoloration.

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