Friday, March 10, 2017

Desquamative inflammatory gingivitis

Desquamative gingivitis is an erythematous (red), desquamatous (shedding) and ulcerated appearance of the gums. It is a descriptive term and can be caused by several different disorders. Problems occur when gum layers begin to separate from each other, causing inflammation and creating space for bacteria to thrive.

The condition is most commonly seen in middle-aged and elderly women, and it often causes pain, sensitivity, and swelling that can make speaking and eating difficult. An accurate diagnosis of the underlying disease of chronic desquamative gingivitis can be made on the basis of careful history and clinical observation, light microscopic examination of gingival biopsy specimens, and immunopathologic and.

Chronic soreness is commonly seen and intake of spicy foods may further worsen the condition. Periodontal conditions vary in their level of pain and severity, but desquamative gingivitis ( DG ) is one of those delicate gingival conditions that can be extremely painful for sufferers and may limit their ability to eat and perform basic oral hygiene care. Other conditions that must be considered in the differential diagnosis of desquamative gingivitis include chronic bacterial, fungal, and viral infections as well as reactions to medications, mouthwashes, and chewing gum. Although less common, Crohn’s disease, sarcoidosis, some leukemias,.

Most gingival involvement in the vesiculobullous or skin diseases (dermatoses) is related to lichen planus or pemphigoi but pemphigus, dermatitis herpetiformis, linear IgA disease, chronic ulcerative stomatitis and other conditions may need to be excluded. The division of these gum layers provides space for bacteria to enter and multiply, which leads to infection. The most successful treatment for desquamative vaginitis appears to be the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory combination of: Clindamycin vaginal cream.

Hydrocortisone cream or foam. When these conditions have been exclude other less frequent causes of vaginal discharge must be considere including desquamative inflammatory vaginitis (DIV). DG is a clinical feature of a variety of diseases or disorders. The disease can be low-grade, with only mild gingival erythema and edema, or have a more severe presentation, including desquamation, blistering, erosions, and ulceration.

This gingival condition is characterized by intense erythema, sloughing off or ulceration that is commonly associated with some kind of systemic autoimmune disease. The authors performed a descriptive analysis of all cases of desquamative inflammatory vaginitis (DIV), defined as symptomatic vaginitis (discharge, dyspareunia, pruritus, burning, or irritation) associated with vaginal inflammation (such as focal or linear erosions), a vaginal pH higher than 4. Cutaneous manifestation of celiac disease( of those with celiac disease have this) - Bilateral and symmetric pruritic papules or vesicles mainly at extensor surfaces of extremities. While the exact cause of desquamative vaginitis is not always easy to pinpoint, it is not a sexually transmitted disease or infection. Desquamative inflammatory vaginitis (DIV) is an uncommon condition affecting the female genitals. It is not a bacterial or fungal infection.

Researchers are unaware of specific causes of the infection or why the condition develops. It is symptoms include painful intercourse sometimes accompanied by vaginal bleeding, and a greenish discharge. Learn Facts About The Difference Between Gingivitis And Periodontitis. Instantly Treat Chronic Pain, Inflammation, Arthritis - Best Hemp Oil SharkTank.

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It is characterized by sloughing of the gingival epithelium as a result of the formation and rupture of a vesicle. Consequently, the gingiva appear erythematous and often edematous. Vesicles, white striae or flecks may also be seen (Figs 3). Regular gingivitis involves the buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth.

This often leads to swelling of the gums when bacteria get into the gum line. Start studying Desquamative Gingivitis. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Bacterial vaginal infections are in two main classes: bacterial vaginosis, associated with a fishy-smelling discharge and increased pH, and desquamative inflammatory vaginitis, also associated. Clinical examination Biopsy Microscopic Examination:- Immunofluorescence:- Management.

It occurs mainly in Caucasians with a peak occurrence in the perimenopause.

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